Artisti & DJs

Rocio Lequio & Bruno Tombari

Questi due stupendi ballerini si definiscono i fondamentalisti della presenza, la loro danza racchiude veramente lo spirito del gioco, della comunicazione e del divertimento. Bruno e Rocio danno la priorità al comfort ed al rapporto con la musica per fluire in questo linguaggio del corpo in modo creativo e piacevole. La consegna e l’ascolto reciproci sono le chiavi del loro tango e il modo di celebrare l’intimità della tradizione di questa danza e la libertà che la sua evoluzione offre loro. Gli studenti possono facilmente trovare una nuova prospettiva nell’essenza della loro danza attraverso uno stile unico e affascinante.

Soledad Larretapia & Eloy Octavio Souto

allerini professionisti con oltre 20 anni di carriera. Soledad ed Eloy si caratterizzano per l’eleganza, la qualità del movimento, la dinamica e l’interpretazione musicale. Sono generalmente riconosciuti come insegnanti appassionati ed attenti alla didattica.

Sabrina Masso & Federico Naveira

ederico e Sabrina insegnano e ballano da più di vent’anni. Nel 2012 hanno dato avvio al loro progetto comune. Unendo le loro conoscenze ed esperienze hanno creato un modo unico e speciale di danzare e trasmettere conoscenza. Prendendo lezioni con loro troverai risposte precise e profonde a tutti tuoi quesiti sulla danza, ma dovrai accettare la sfida di studiare in profondità e con impegno. Sei pronto?

Gri Montanaro & Gaston Torelli

ri e Gaston iniziano a ballare insieme nel 2020. L’incontro fra l’esperienza di Gaston sia come ballerino che come organizzatore di eventi di rilevanza internazionale e il background accademico da ballerina di danza classica e contemporanea di Gri fa sì che questa coppia si integri perfettamente dando vita ad un tango nuovo ed elegante.

Internationally renowned Tango Dancer with a distinguished career in festivals, tours, and competitions. Creator and director of renowned tango schools. Producer of prominent tango events and festivals. Experience as a tango competition judge. Committed to promoting and disseminating Argentine tango worldwide.

Tango Dancer and International Tours
Commenced tango studies in Pergamino, Argentina.
Founder of La Milonga La Esquina del Tango and the Tango Mío Ballet School in 2001.

Misterio Tango Festival.
Joined the staff of teachers and performed as a dancer at the renowned Mora Godoy Studio, actively participating in the musical “Tanguera.” Tango Studies in Pergamino City.
Founder and director of Tango Brujo, a prestigious tango school in Buenos Aires, renowned for its artistic excellence and production of top-quality tango instructors. Staff Teacher and Dancer at Mora Godoy Studio.
Creator and director of the prestigious Misterio Tango Festival, one of Argentina’s foremost private tango festivals, attracting renowned tango artists and an international audience. Organizer of the prestigious Me Canto un Tango competition (2010) held at La Viruta Tango Club, known for its high artistic standards and participation of talented tango singers. Tango Marathon and Festival “Happy New Year” in Berlin, Germany.
Organizer and producer of the Misterio Tango Festival in the beautiful city of Tours, France, bringing the charm of Argentine tango to an international audience. Co-producer of Events at Prominent Milongas in Buenos Aires.
Active involvement in co-producing events at renowned milongas in Buenos Aires, including La Viruta Tango Club, Salón Canning, and La Catedral Club, among others. Augustus, Novembrius, and Cupidus.
Founder and director of the Pelando Variación competition, which has opened new horizons in the tango world by challenging competitors to explore and present unique variations in their dance. Fusion Events and Shows.
Co-production of tango events fused with other dance styles, musical genres, and performances in collaboration with MTS, Vorterix, and The Roxy, offering innovative and exciting tango experiences.
International TIN – Tango Industria Nacional Festival.
Co-producer of the successful Tango Marathon and Festival “Happy New Year” in Berlin, Germany, an event that combines music, dance, and Argentine culture in a unique tango celebration. Misterio Tango Festival in Tours, France.
Creator and producer of Tango Fusion events, Augustus, Novembrius, and Cupidus, blending tango with other artistic disciplines to create innovative and captivating experiences. Pelando Variación.
Producer and director of the International TIN – Tango Industria Nacional Festival, a large-scale event held in collaboration with the National University of Argentina (UNA) and renowned organizers of Buenos Aires’ best milongas.
Milonga at Teatro de La Comedia.
Organizer of a prominent milonga at Teatro de La Comedia in Buenos Aires, offering a unique tango experience in a historically and culturally enriched setting. Teatro de la Comedia.
Production of local social events and tourism-oriented formats at the prestigious Teatro de La Comedia, providing memorable entertainment and cultural experiences.

Collaboration with Griselda Montanaro in Buenos Aires and tours across Asia, Europe, and Mexico, representing and promoting Argentine tango. Tango Brujo.

Advanced Training at Mora Godoy Studio (2002)
Participation in international tango festivals, workshops, and congresses to enhance and enrich my skills as a dancer and educator.

Professional Argentine Tango Dancer and Instructor, Partnered with Gaston Torelli.
Performed at major tango stages in Buenos Aires including Parakultural, Kirchner Cultural Center, the Beso milonga, Salón Marabú, and La Nacional.
Participated in the Abrazados al Tango Festival in the province of Buenos Aires.
Collaborated with leading Argentine orchestras: Romantica Milonguera, Tango Bardo, Cachivache, and Chino Laborde.
Conducted successful international tours in Mexico, Europe, and China.
Jury at Beijing Tango Championship.
Assistant to Masters Carlos Perez and Rosa Forte during international tour of Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea.
Dancer, “El Hombre que Perdio su Sombra”, Cervantes National Theater, Theater 25 de Mayo, Tecnopolis Buenos Aires, Teatro Bicentenario de San Juan.
Company Member, Fuerza Bruta.
Jury for the Step on Broadway scholarship from the Julio Bocca Foundation.
Jury for the selection of students from the National University of San Martin.
Classical Dance Teacher, Julio Bocca Foundation.
Performer, “Juan Moreira”, directed by Claudio Gallardou, Cervantes National Theater.
Dancer, Opera “Parcifal”, directed by Marcelo Lombardero, Colon Theater.
Performer/Choreographer, “Algo Semejante”, directed by Bárbara Pebe, Matienzo Cultural Club.
Company Member, UNSAM Group Company, Director Oscar Araiz.
Production Assistant, Shows Degree in Dance, National University of San Martin.
Company Member, Ballet Argentino, Directed by Ricky Pashkus.

Higher Diploma in Classical and Contemporary Dance, National University of San Martín, Directed by Oscar Araiz.
Scholarship holder in the Julio Bocca Foundation Exchange Project, Directed by Ricky Pashkus.
She begins her studies of Classical Dance, Spanish Dances and Folkloric Dances at Provincial Dance School, Director Ethel Lynch – Alicia Luciani – Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe.

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